
About Me
Understanding Cars More Every Day

When it comes to enjoying the drive, you have to be able to rely on your car to get you from point A to point B. Unfortunately, I haven't always had the pleasure of being able to rely on my car, which is why I decided to start learning more about cars in general. I wanted to be able to know what was going on with my vehicle, so I started doing more to learn about different systems. Within a few weeks, I felt more apt to make changes to the car, and it was an empowering feeling. Check out this website to learn more.


Proper Maintenance For Your Wheelchair Van

21 December 2018
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Being confined to a wheelchair doesn't mean that you have to be confined to your home. Specialized vehicles that are designed to accommodate wheelchairs can be driven by those with mobility limitations. A wheelchair van can offer you the freedom and autonomy that you may have feared was lost when you became wheelchair-bound. Since your wheelchair van is more than just a vehicle, it's important that you take the time to maintain the van regularly so that it will run reliably when you need to travel. Read More …

Maximize Stopping Power In Your Large Service Truck Or Van

21 December 2018
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Good stopping power is essential for any motor vehicle, but for larger service vans or trucks, superior stopping power is a must for safety. If you have a new fleet of service vehicles that you plan to put out on the road soon, it's important that you not overlook this information. Before you send your vehicles out, learn how you can maximize the stopping power of your new vehicles.  Heavy Duty Brakes Read More …

3 Important Tips To Remember When Replacing Your Car’s Transmission

20 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

A major component of your car is the transmission, which regulates the shifting of gears. If this part is in poor condition, it's important to replace it before other structural issues result. You can ensure this replacement process goes smoothly for your vehicle when you utilize these tips.  Have Your Current Transmission Inspected  Since replacement transmissions aren't cheap, you need to make absolutely sure your current transmission can't be repaired. To find this out, you need to take your car to an auto repair shop. Read More …

Signs That A Used Freightliner Is A Good Buy

18 December 2018
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Whether you own a transportation company or are planning to become an owner-operator of a freightliner, you're sure to know that purchasing a freightliner requires a very large financial investment. In order to save money when making such a large purchase, many transportation companies and owner-operators choose to buy a used freightliner. Buying used can lead to big savings upfront, but the key is to purchase the right used freightliner. The last thing you want is to buy a used freightliner only for it to become a money pit that is not reliable. Read More …